Monday, January 18, 2010

Pictures from Picasa

Check out the new pictures on the top right of this page! All of these were taken by either myself or our chief producer Timi Makinde. The pictures look awesome and a lot of them would take me hours in Photoshop, and still not turn out very well, but instead we used Google's new Picasa program to edit the pictures in just a few minutes then directly upload them to the Picasa page of the EFS Films Team. To look at a full size picture from the slideshow on the side of the page click on the picture.

On behalf of the EFS Films Team,
John Corsi
The EFS Films YouTube Channel
The Official EFS Films Website

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Captain Sim 727

Check out the EFS Films review for the Captain Sim 727 by our partner DNTheNumber10 below. Or you can view it  here.

On behalf of the EFS Films Team,
Director of Public Relations
John Corsi
The EFS Films YouTube Channel
The Official EFS Films Website

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Blog Features!

I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out literally hundreds of different Blogspot "Gadgets" as they call them. I finally have found some that 1. Actually work, 2. Have some type of practical use, and 3. Work consistently. At the top right we now have a slideshow from pictures from the EFS Films Picasa album, it contains pictures from several partners and even from some of our clients. Below that is a YouTube gadget that will link you to some of our YouTube videos, from time to time it will show the most featured videos instead, but for the most part it works (That was the one that almost didn't pass the number three requirement). And finally, below all of that we have links to the EFS Films website and YouTube channel as well as all of our clients. We also included two upcoming clients there, Silverjet Virtual Airlines and Eagle Simulations for a freeware mod they are releasing called the B-1X Surge as an addon to the Alphasim B-1B Lancer. I hope you like the new features and that you enjoy the upcoming videos!

On behalf of the EFS Films Team,
Director of Public Relations
John Corsi

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Quest Kodiak by Lionheart Creations

Quite awhile ago we made a film for Lionheart Creations for their Quest Kodiak. This video was taken down from YouTube because a claim on one of the gauges from an outside company. Lionheart Creations remade the gauge from scratch and so now we are able to repost our video! Here it is! Enjoy!

On behalf of the EFS Films Team,
Director of Public Relations
John Corsi

Top Ten of the Decade!

It is time to say goodbye not only to 2009, but also to the last decade. Over the past ten years a lot has happened. Here in the United States we have been through both tragedy and victory. So much has happened that will never be forgotten. Here we have listed what the EFS Films team feels were the biggest and most unforgettable events of the last decade. Click on the event to read the Wikipedia or news article.

And of course since we are a Flight Simulator addon company, it is important for us to recognize the top 10 events in Flight Simulation over the last decade.

9. The Cessna154 YouTube channel becomes the largest channel devoted to Flight Simulator with more than 11,500 subscribers to date.

10. And since we need to continue to keep #10 as an epic fail, we have chosen the Lionheart Creations Kodiak as the FS epic fail of the decade. After this amazing aircraft was released another company made a claim to a part of their 2D panel and every single video was taken down from YouTube. Videos by both EFS Films and Jaggyroad Films that had tons of hours of work were taken down from YouTube without any real reason. There is no link for this since the product and all videos were taken offline. I think though that most people can see where that is ridiculous.

I hope you liked these and if you have any other ideas email me at If you have any other ideas for the top ten events from 1999-2009 post them in the comments below. Happy New Year!

On behalf of the EFS Films Team,
Director of Public Relations
John Corsi